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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Intelligence and hierarchy of Planck constants, a new kind paradigm for information processing able to avoid the problems of Turing paradigm and its quantum computational variant such as search based on reso- nance mechanism and hierarchy of magnetic bodies labelled by cyclotron frequencies. No need for programs nor detailed search. The searched item labelled by pattern of cyclotron frequencies would auto- matically respond to the call!, CONNECTION BETWEEN INTELLIGENCE AND HIERARCHY OF PLANCK CONSTANTS is motivated by several observations a) h_eff=nh hierarchy predicts a hierarchy of time scales for spans of memory and anticipation b) The corresponding scale hierarchy makes possible hierarchy of "stories": representation of memory in different scales. For instance, real life event sequences lasting years can be compressed to few minutes. Or a process lasting milliseconds can be scaled up to a story of minutes. c) A fractal hierarchy of conscious information processing is predicted d) h_eff hierarchy makes possible negentropic quantum entanglement coding for rules as "Akashic records" read- able by interaction free quantum measurement, CONNECTION BETWEEN INTELLIGENCE AND HIERARCHY OF PLANCK CONSTANTS is motivated by several observations a) Dark matter as h_eff=n×h phases residing at magnetic flux quanta carrying monopole fluxes can form cyclotron Bose- Einstein condensates or their generalizati- ons allowed by negen- tropic entanglement b) Cyclotron frequen- cies determined by the value of magnetic field and mass of dark charged particle define resonance frequencies for dark photons which for given energy can have arbitrarily low frequencies (E=h_eff×f) c) This resonance pro- vides fundamental mechanism of conscio- us attention. A recon- nection between flux tubes with same local field strength can be formed and following by resonant interaction, CONNECTION BETWEEN INTELLIGENCE AND HIERARCHY OF PLANCK CONSTANTS suggests together with the notions of magnetic body and topological light rays carrying dark photons totally new kind of of mec- hanisms of communi- cation and control:, together with the notions of magnetic body and topological light rays carrying dark photons totally new kind of of mec- hanisms of communi- cation and control: for instance a) EEG and fractal fractal hierarchy of analogs of EEG might mediate com- munications and con- trol betweeen magne- tic bodies and parts of biological body b) These communica- tions could be crucial at the biomolecular level and allow biomo- lecules to recognize each other on basis of the cyclotron fre- quency spectrum. c) Even remote vari- ants of DNA repliica- tion and transcription and similar processes can be imagined if em signals are respon- sible for biocontrol, CONNECTION BETWEEN INTELLIGENCE AND HIERARCHY OF PLANCK CONSTANTS suggests topological quantum computation like processes a) realized in terms of braids formed by flux tubes idealizable as strings) and 2-braiding of the string world sheets representing their orbits b) realizing also memories as space-like braids and memories about event sequences as 2-braids c) This realization is pos- sible in all scales but the realization in neuronal and microtubular length scales is of special interest, CONNECTION BETWEEN INTELLIGENCE AND HIERARCHY OF PLANCK CONSTANTS suggests a new kind paradigm for information processing able to avoid the problems of Turing paradigm and its quantum computational variant